The Kingdom Cowboy
Join Andy Taylor, seasoned church leader in candid discussion about the Father, His children and His Kingdom. We’ll be talking about the emergence of the True Church and the unfolding manifestation of the Kingdom of God. We’re living in the midst of what the Bible calls, perilous times. But despite this, the True Church is rising up as a force to bring His kingdom into this earth. As Jesus said, “I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it”. This is happening now, today!
The Vision
“Then shall this gospel of the kingdom will be preached as a witness to all the
nations and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14
From the many indicators it appears we are definitely in the last days. And, while the outlook on the world scene would look bleak and hopeless to many, the Kingdom of God is emerging and advancing at a rate never seen before.
Our goal with the Kingdom Cowboy Podcast is to communicate the importance of the true Church and its mission and mandate from the Father. This should be the finest hour for the Church of the living God and her people. We approach the message of the Kingdom, and its demonstration of agape, with signs and wonders accompanying, with great sincerity and diligence.
The goal here, at The Kingdom Cowboy Podcast is to make that as simple and palatable as possible by totally trusting the Father for the results, so the children of God will fulfill their prophetic destiny, and the Church will be what Jesus intended it to be. It’s a great time to be alive! Let’s make the best of it!